According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 6.4 million children between the ages of four and seventeen have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While many skeptics believe that ADHD is a fabrication of drug companies and the medical establishment, the symptoms of attention-deficit and hyperactivity are all too real for millions of individuals who often cannot function without treatment. If ADHD does not exist, then what is causing these debilitating symptoms?
adhd does not exist book review
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According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 6.4 million children between the ages of four and seventeen have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While many skeptics believe that ADHD is a fabrication of drug companies and the medical establishment, the symptoms of attention-deficit and hyperactivity are all too real for millions of individuals who often cannot function without treatment. If ADHD does not exist, then what is causing these debilitating symptoms
Evaluating ADHD in Children and Adolescents: A Comprehensive Diagnostic Screening System is the ADHD diagnostic guide that assists clinicians to accurately conduct evidence-based ADHD evaluations, as well as identify and better understand the numerous other possible coexisting conditions that may present along with and worsen true ADHD, or cause ADHD-like presentations when ADHD does not exist.
But the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder does exist. The DSM is the American Psychiatric Association handbook medical professionals rely on for mental diagnoses.
It was quite a disappointment that they [teachers and principals] were of the opinion that this doesn't exist, ADHD doesn't exist, that only poorly behaving kids with behavioral disorders exist, and it is caused by conditions at home (Father).
Attention-deficitlhyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders referred to mental health professionals. ADHD, a complex neurodevelopmentaldisorder, is seen in approximately 3-7% of school-aged children, with higher rates foundamong boys than girls (6: 1 in clinical settings, 3: 1 in community settings) in the United States(e.g., Barkley, 1998; Pastor & Reuben, 2002). In a review of estimates over a four-year period,Rowland, Leswesne, and Abramowitz (2002) found that prevalence rates varied substantially,based on presenting symptoms, assessment approaches used, and setting in which the childwas evaluated. Furthermore, lack of consensus on what constitutes a core set of symptomology for ADHD children complicates the screening and assessment process (e.g., Brown et aI.,2001; Elia, Ambrosini, & Rapoport, 1999). Researchers contend that a coherent set of symptoms and causal factors does not exist, and this disorder represents a heterogeneous group ofseparate disorders (Neul, Applegate, & Drabman, 2003). For example, Goodman and Poillion(1992) identified 69 separate characteristics of ADHD, with 38 associated causes. 2ff7e9595c